The Hepatitis C and HIV Compensation Tribunal has been hearing claims on a continuous basis since March 1996. In that time, more than 3,800 individual awards have been made to deserving recipients.
The Tribunal aims to conduct hearings for applicants in as timely and appropriate a manner as is practicably possible and it seek to works constructively with applicant’s legal representatives to achieve this.
On this website you will find information including a detailed FAQ section which will answer many of your questions on the different kinds of compensation claims the Tribunal deals with, the categories of applications the Tribunal accepts and on how to bring a claim for compensation forward.
You will also find also find links to the Acts and Statutory Instruments which govern the Tribunal, recent Annual Reports and the HSE guide to Hepaptitis C services. This website also contains our location and contact details. Anyone can contact the Tribunal staff in confidence should they have a question or need information that is not contained here.